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Get started by filling out the Registration form!

Once you have filled out the form below someone from our office will contact you to confirm class placement and further registration information.


• Withdrawal from the School

Upon completed registration, students are required to pay the first and last month of their total tuition fees, plus a yearly non-refundable registration/membership fee of $40 per dancer. You may cancel this contract at anytime within 14 days after signing by sending a written notice by email. Tuition fees are payable until proper notice is given to the office. If payments are over 15 days late the student will be asked to discontinue class until such a time when payments are caught up.

If, for any reason, a student chooses to discontinue their classes before the end of the school term, and after the 14 day cancellation period, the School requires written(email) notice 30 days prior to withdrawal.


• Missed Classes

A telephone call or email is important if a student is going to miss a class. Fees for missed classes are non-refundable. Classes cancelled by the School will be re-scheduled unless cancelled because of inclement weather or uncontrollable circumstances.


• In the Classroom - No Cell phone use

No Jewellery. No gum. No street shoes. Late admittance into class is at the teacher’s discretion. It is forbidden to touch stereo equipment, office equipment, or pianos. No food or drink in studios – Water only. If a student must leave class or rehearsals before the scheduled finish time, please notify your teacher before class begins.


• Dressing Rooms, Washrooms, and Studios

To accommodate social distancing and minimize crowding of change areas, dancers are encouraged to arrive and depart in their proper dance attire. Please limit use of washrooms. Have your children use the washroom at home before class. Students must bring their own water bottles. Currently, there is no access to microwaves, colouring books, water fountain, cutlery or utensils. Sorry ☹


• Personal Belongings

Do not leave valuables unattended in the dressing rooms. Students should have a ballet bag or sports bag with the following articles: brush, comb, pins, elastics, hair nets, deodorant, and necessary dance attire. Please label all belongings. Bring bags into your class. The school is not responsible for items lost or stolen.


• Lost and Found

If you notice anything missing after a class, please call and we shall search for the item and hold it temporarily in the office if found. We will no longer hold lost items that go unclaimed within the week.


• General Information

Please ensure that you have received and read thoroughly ALL notices/e-mails. We use e-mail to send information to you. Check your spam and make sure we are on your "good" list.



During a normal dance season, Ballet examinations are held annually with examiners appointed by the Royal Academy of Dancing. To be eligible for selection in Ballet Examinations, students must be enrolled in a minimum of 2 ballet classes per week. We encourage all students from Grade 1 to Grade VI to work towards this goal. It is at the teachers’ discretion as to whether or not a student is ready to be entered into an exam. Decisions are made with the student’s best interest in mind. Vocational exams require more hours. 



Competitive work outside of regular classes requires much commitment. If you are interested in competitive work, you must approach your teachers for their rates and availability. Choreography and rehearsal sessions will be conducted outside of class time and applicable charges for Studio use will be applied. Competitors will pay an expense fee for teachers to be present at festivals. 



Students are expected to perform in the School’s annual recital at the end of the dance season. Each dance will require a costume. Fees vary. The experience of preparing for and performing on stage is a rewarding and valuable part of our dancers’ development. Our recital is filmed. 

Studio Dress Rehearsal: Saturday, June, 2023

Dress Rehearsal: Thursday, June 8, 2023

Recital: Friday, June 09, 2023

Updated - October, 2024           ©2024 by Saskatoon School Of Dance

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